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Why Use Pest Control?


"Can't I treat the problem myself?"

We all like to save money where we can, but pest control isn't a DIY trade.  If you are a business owner, particularly in the food industry, there is a legal obligation to protect public health by having a pest control programme in place.


When it comes to a problem at home, many have resorted to off-the-shelf mouse biscuits, ultrasonic deterrents and other non-professional measures.  They simply do not work and may result in rodents or insects that are resilient to future treatment.


"Surely the problem will just fix itself, no?"

Unfortunately it won't.  There is a reason why the pests have chosen your lovely home or business in the first place and they are there to stay unless forcibly evicted.  

When it comes to 3 common pests, below you will see why it is important to call a registered pest controller without delay...



If you have seen a rat scurrying around your garden or the cat has presented one as a gift on your kitchen floor, there is no way it is a lone ranger.


It is possible for a female rat to produce a litter of up to 12 pups every 21 days, but the worrying thing is that she is ready for mating again immediately after giving birth.  One can easily see the potential for a population explosion.


Their incisors grow at the astonishing rate of 110mm a year, hence their incessant need to gnaw.  The enamel on their teeth is harder than copper, platinum and even iron.  They have a particular attraction to electrical cables, water pipes and wooden fascia boards.


Add to this their ability to spread bacteria such as Salmonella and diseases such as Hantavirus and Leptospirosis (Weils Disease), then you can see why these filthy creatures are best kept at arms length.


Did you know? Rats have a type of muscle memory called kinesthesis.  That's why they can disappear so quickly when you corner them. Be warned, they can also jump 3 feet!



Often seen as the rat's cuter cousin, these tiny rodents can still spread all manner of nasties if they gain entry to your home or business.


In order to attract a mate they have the lovely habit of dribbling urine wherever they run.  Unfortunately this means the potential of transmitting Leptospirosis to humans.  In fact, in one study 80% of house mice tested carried the disease.


Just like the brown rat, the house mouse loves to gnaw on pretty much anything and can reproduce every 3 weeks, although her litter can be as many as 16 pups.


Did you know?  The house mouse can squeeze through a gap as small as 6mm.



Some would frown upon the idea of controlling squirrels at all, but perhaps we should put to one side the notion that all squirrels do is harmlessly skip around parks.


While the native red squirrel is protected by law, the grey squirrel is actually an invasive species that goes on a gnawing frenzy from late spring into summer, deforming and killing silver birch and oak trees in particular by 'ring barking.'  


The real problem arises however, when grey squirrels have taken residence in wall cavities and lofts.  Their scratching noises can drive even the most tolerant person crazy and the damage they do to property in order to gain entry and thereafter shouldn't be underestimated.


Did you know?  Grey squirrels were first introduced to the UK from North America in the 1870s to adorn the grounds of country estates.  This continued into the 1930s when the true extent of the damage they cause became apparent.

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